Our teachers are all certified yoga teachers and are fully vaccinated for Covid. We clean and sterilize all our equipment after every use for your safety.


Qualifications / Education:

Robert Evans

Photo by Ajah Photography

In college Robert majored in Psychology with a minor in Dance. His goal was to become a Movement Therapist. He spent the next 25 years designing and manufacturing jewelry but in early 1999 decided it was time to resume his journey.

Robert has studied with some of the world’s greatest yoga teachers. He loves the movement, fluidity, and meditative quality of Flow Yoga but has learned to balance those qualities with structure and alignment. He has experienced his share of injuries and physical challenges and they have made him a more compassionate teacher and driven him to continually study and refine his skills and increase his knowledge.

Over the years, he’s learned that yoga is an ever evolving practice. He shares his passion of yoga exuberantly with his students and clients. He focuses on teaching classes that are accessible to all, while still challenging they will sustain you easily into your golden years.


  • Certified yoga teacher (ERYT 200)
  • Certified Yoga Therapist Loyola Merrimount University
    “Thank you Larry Payne for sharing your wisdom and Prime of Life Yoga.”
  • Certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist with the National Alliance of Sports Medicine
  • Certified Group and Senior fitness instructor with the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
  • Certified Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor with the IIQTC



Teacher Trainings:

Sadie Nardini, founder of Fierce Yoga, “thank you Sadie for your courage and your amazing transitions, you rock.”

Kyra Ryder, founder of Lulu Bahandas and the Ojai Yoga Crib, “thank you Kira for sharing how to teach with humor and light.”

Yoga Fit, thanks to Beth Shaw for introducing me to Senior and Kid’s yoga teaching techniques.

A special thanks to John Friend for teaching me the importance of foundational yoga teaching techniques and to Tracey Rich for just being.



To learn about Robert Evans’ Hiking and Kayaking in Ojai, please visit GoOjai.com

For information on kid’s yoga and more, please visit YouthEnrichmentProgram.com